回到自己的中心 Return to your center


    當你常常迎向別人,想要幫助他,吸收他的能量後,你覺得你可以為他的問題提供一個解決之道。你有沒有想過,自己知道別人問題的解決方式是很冒失的呢?或許你並不知道正確的解決之道, 或許你只是想要恢復融洽,看到他(們)臉上的笑容,或者得到他們的認同。放下這樣的急切與渴望,不要解決別人的問題。

    真正對他人的慈悲是,儘管你同情他們,你仍然相信他們有方法解決自己的問題。 你相信他們的力量,這會讓你的心平靜下來。 從內心深處的感知中,你領悟到成長是需要時間的,而你自己也正在這漫長的過程中不斷成長。通常,那種想要幫助別人、給與別人的渴望和心理的不安全感有關, 你怕自己不夠好,因此認為自己必須有所成就, 或成為他人眼中重要的人。事實上,當你和自己內心的佛性產生連結時, 對別人才是最有幫助的, 而你所散發的平靜與安詳會撫慰他們。

     這也意味著,就算你不做任何事、不幫助任何人、 對其他人而言不重要的時候, 你就已經很棒了, 這樣的你就已經很好了, 因為你是大自然的一部分,像一棵樹、一朵花、一座山, 你有權存在,因為你是萬物的一部分,你不需要證明自己。動物或花朵並不覺得自己必須為存在而辯護,它們只是在那裡;你也只是在那裡。你是靈性的表達,是一體的展現,這就已經足夠了! 

    內在的小我想要成為一位了不起的人,想要成為有用的人,想要創造獨特, 但這是你的靈魂真正的渴望嗎? 不是的,因為你的靈魂本身就是平靜的, 是的,你的靈魂會在外在世界表達它自己, 就像一朵花在外在世界分享它的美一樣, 但是它不需證明自己,或為自己的存在辯護,只需領悟到,你生命中需要達成的並沒有你想像中那麼多。你可以更放鬆一些。你是萬物的一部分,這是無法改變的。    ----摘自靈性煉金術作者潘蜜拉(Pamela Kribbe)的網站,這是有關佛陀的靈訊 - Experiencing the Buddha Energy,節錄部分內容分享,原文以下:

You do not have to prove yourself. Buddha had an open heart; his heart was full of compassion for other living beings. Even though he would care about their suffering and wanted to help relieve it, he would still remain centered inside his own being.

Often, when you reach out to others to help and assist them, and you absorb their energies, you think you can offer a solution to their problems. Has it ever occurred to you that it is quite presumptuous to assume you know the solution? It might be that you do not really know what is the correct solution for them. Maybe you are just eager to restore harmony, to see a smile on their face, or to get their approval. Let go of that eagerness, that desire. Do not solve another person's problems.

A key to true compassion with other persons is that, although you empathize with them, you remain trustful that they own the solution to their problems. You are convinced of their strength and this will bring you peace of mind. You realize, from the level of the abdomen, that growth processes take time and you are in a growth process yourself. Often the need to help, to give, to be of assistance to others, is related to an insecurity within yourself. You are afraid that you are not good enough and therefore you have to achieve something, or be someone for another person. In fact, you are most helpful to other people if you connect with that Buddha nature inside yourself. The calmness, the tranquility, that you then radiate will soothe them.

It also means something to yourself; it means you are good enough even when not doing anything, or helping anyone, or meaning anything to anyone else. You are good as you are, because you are a part of nature. Like a tree, or a flower, or a mountain, you have a right to be, simply because you are a part of the whole. You do not have to prove yourself. An animal or a flower does not feel the need to defend itself for being, it is simply there ; you are simply there. You are an expression of spirit, of oneness, and that is enough!

The ego part inside you wants to be someone, wants to be useful, to make a difference. But is that what your soul really desires of you? It is not, because your soul is at peace with itself. Yes, it does seek expression in the outside world, it wants to share itself like a flower shares its beauty, but it does not need to prove itself or justify its existence. Just take in the realization that there is not as much to achieve in your life as you think. You can truly relax a bit more. You are a part of the whole, nothing can change that.

#參考康悅翎 守護專輯 Safe Guard專輯 音樂平台: https://lnk.to/KH-1015  
   專輯購買處:風潮音樂 https://store.windmusic.com.tw/zh/CD/KH-1015
                           博客來 https://www.books.com.tw/products/0020237740
#参考 康悅翎 幸福之花 Flower of Happiness () (En)
康悅翎官方網站 Http://www.harmonykang.com



